Complementary and alternative drugs and treatments (CAM) may be used to try to slow disease progression or eliminate the disease altogether, for symptom management, pain relief, or stimulation of the immune system. CAM treatments usually include affectionate care and often have a spiritual reinforcement.
Since no complementary medicine has been proved to cure disease, only use a CAM drug or treatment in addition to western scientific based medicine - not instead of western based medicine. CAM treatments are not presently considered to be a part of conventional medicine in the United States.
The combination of complementary and Western medicine is known as "integrative medicine."
What To Do Before Choosing Or Using A Complementary Treatment
- Complementary treatments are not subject to FDA approval so you are on your own about whether they are effective and safe. It is advisable to learn about what scientific proof may exist with respect to usefulness of the drug or treatment for the intended purpose, as well as the risks.
- Before starting a treatment, consider asking for advice from your doctor. If you are working with a treatment center, check to see if there is an integrative medicine department (a department that specializes in integrating complementary and standard Western treatments.) Healthcare professionals who are trained in integrative medicine can offer scientifically proved advice and help you design the best treatment regimen for your particular situaiton. They can also suggest a particular supplement or other product made by high-quality manufacturers so that you do not waste money on low-quality products that may not have anything useful in them or, even worse, may be contaiminated.
- A medical professional can check to see if there is a dangerous interaction with a drug or treatment you are using, particularly ifyou are considering herbs.
- The doctor may have some light to shed on the particular drug or treatment you are considering, or have a recommendation that may be better for your situation.
- If your doctor says "no" to a particular treatment:
- Ask why.
- Ask about other options may be available to accomplish the same goal as the drug or treatment you are considering.
- If you are not satisfied with the doctor's response, particularly if you feel the doctor is closed minded about complementary treatments, consider seeking a second opinion from a doctor who is more open to complementary treatments.
- Watch for fraud and people who are more interested in taking your money than helping you. To learn how, click here.
- For a list of:
- It is worth repeating that it is advisable to keep in mind that no alternative treatment has been proved to cure a life threatning condition.
- Check your health insurance. A complementary drug or treatment may be covered. More and more health insurance cover complementary drugs and treatments..
When prescribed by a doctor, CAM treatments may be covered by your health insurance.
- If the treatment you are considering is covered by your health insurance it is advisable to read: Questions To Ask Your Insurer Before Starting A Complementary Treatment
- If your insurer asks for proof about the effectiveness of a treatment you want to use:
- Ask the practitioner for proof she or he may have
- Check for research papers on the web site of the National Center for Complementary And Alternative Medicine
- If your insurer asks for proof about the effectiveness of a treatment you want to use:
- If the treatment is not covered,
- It is worth taking a few minutes to find out if there is a law in your state that requires coverage of some or all complementary treatments. Either contact your state insurance commission (you can find contact information through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners)
or the group that represents the treatment practitioners.
- If paying for a CAM treatment is an issue, see How To Deal With A Financial Crunch
- It is worth taking a few minutes to find out if there is a law in your state that requires coverage of some or all complementary treatments. Either contact your state insurance commission (you can find contact information through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners)
Complementary treatments include the following. For information about each treatment of interest, click on the link. To return to this article, click the back button on your browser.
- Acupuncture
- Art Therapy
- Chiropractic treatment
- Hypnotherapy
- Massage Therapy
- Meditation
- Mind/Body medicine
- Music Therapy
- Naturopathy
- Nutrition Therapy
- QiGong
- T'ai Chi
- Yoga
- Whether a particular treatment is covered by your insurance or not, keep records of all your payments for such treatments including the cost of travel to and from where you receive the treatment or buy the product. The expenses may be tax deductible as medical expenses. For more information, click here.
To Learn More
Questions To Ask Your Insurer Before Starting A Complementary Treatment
- Does this care need to be pre-authorized or pre-approved?
- Do I need a referral from my primary care provider?
- What services, tests, or other costs will be covered?
- How many visits are covered and over what period of time (for example, 6-10 visits a year of acupuncture)?
- Is there a co-payment?
- Will the therapy be covered for my health condition?
- Will any additional costs be covered, such as lab tests, dietary supplements, equipment, or supplies?
- Will I need to see a practitioner in your network? If so, can you provide me with a list of practitioners in my area?
- If I use a practitioner who is not part of your network, do you provide any coverage? Are there any additional out-of-pocket costs?
- Are there any dollar or calendar limits to my coverage?
Financial Questions To Ask A Complementary Treatment Specialist
- Do you accept my health insurance? If so, do I file claim forms, or do you file claims with the health insurer?
- If insurance does not cover your services:
- What is the cost for the initial appointment and assessment?
- What is the cost for other sessions?
- Is there a sliding scale fee bsed on ability to pay?
- Are there additional costs?
- Do you have a payment plan that allows me to pay over time?
- What insurance coverages do you accept in case I change insurers?
- Number of treatments:
- How many treatments will I need?
- Is there a trial period to see if the therapy works for me before I commit to a full course?