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Fulfillment means different things to each of us because we are all unique individuals. What is fulfilling to you may not be to the next person and vice versa.

Fulfillment is a feeling. You know fulfillment when you feel it. Fulfillment has been described as "Feeling right inside" or "Feeling in the flow of my life" or in similar terms.

Fulfillment involves balancing the tugs and pulls of life. For example, balancing the amount of time you spend working to earn a living against the amount of time you spend with your loved ones, at leisure, exercising, taking care of your emotional needs and resting.

What is fulfilling at one time of life may not be fulfilling at another time.

What is fulfilling to you may be harmful to the people closest to you. If so, part of fulfillment is to decide for yourself whose interests are paramount at any given time in life. It is also to look for a solution that is fulfilling to you while not unduly hurting the people around you.

When considering changing your life to make it more fulfilling:

  • Do not let fear of failure stop you.
  • Avoid "should," as in "I should be doing __________."
  • Think about what would make you feel whole, or at least bring you pleasure. If you can't answer the question, consider making a list of your gifts and talents. It may lead you to see yourself in a different light.
  • If fulfillment would involve changing jobs or even careers, do not let your health history as such stand in the way. There are legal protections so that a new employer cannot ask about your health history before offering you a job and neither can education institutions. You may even be eligible for free job retraining because of your health situation.
  • If you have a partner, recognize that feeling fulfilled generally makes for being a better partner and a more stable relationship.
If you have a question about what is fulfilling to you, think about who you are. Not how other people see you, or the work you do, but how you see your inner self. If there is a question, think about what you would do, and with what balance if you could? If money or other circumstances stand in the way, how close can you come to that today?

If you need help figuring what makes life fulfilling to you, speak with your spiritual advisor or consider seeking a life coach or a mental health professional.

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