How To Complain - In General
If you want to complain, experts suggest the following technique:
- Try to speak with a person - in person if possible. If not, then at least on the phone.
- Preferably, the person is someone who has the authority over your case and can do something about it. If the person with whom you speak doesn't have the authority, ask to speak with a supervisor.
- Do not blame the person with whom you speak. It's rarely his or her fault. And, blaming the person is likely to get a defensive response, which is not usually helpful.
- Stick to the truth. Exaggeration hurts your credibility.
- Present any evidence you have - such as notes, names, or photographs.
- Stay calm. Use anger sparingly.
- Know your goal: what do you want? This helps focus on the resolution rather than the problem.
- Ask yourself: should I just let this go? Is it really worth it to take the time and energy to follow through on this complaint?
To find email addresses of executives at various companies, seach the internet. For instance: elliott.org
For specific situations, see:
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