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Information about all aspects of finances affected by a serious health condition. Includes income sources such as work, investments, and private and government disability programs, and expenses such as medical bills, and how to deal with financial problems.
Information about all aspects of health care from choosing a doctor and treatment, staying safe in a hospital, to end of life care. Includes how to obtain, choose and maximize health insurance policies.
Answers to your practical questions such as how to travel safely despite your health condition, how to avoid getting infected by a pet, and what to say or not say to an insurance company.

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Why We Exist

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Our site exists because the best chance for surviving and thriving beyond a cancer diagnosis is to be an educated consumer. We learned the hard way that there is no single place which has unbiased information covering the financial, legal and practical aspects of living through all stages of life after a diagnosis - starting with summaries and much less on an individualized basis. Our goal is to help you take control by providing in one place:

  • All the practical, financial and legal information needed to thrive in the "new normal" that exists after a life-changing diagnosis - starting with diagnosis, going through a hopefully long life, and including end-of-life that as human beings we will all face one day. 
  • Information on a personalized basis so you don't have to read about stuff that doesn't apply to you - and so you'll know about all that does, including subjects most people wouldn't ordinarily think about.
  • Tools to help you keep track of information you need and to make complicated decisions more simple. For example, how to choose the best treatment for you and your lifestyle or how to choose among health insurance policies from the point of view of a person with your health condition. (Yes, you still can buy health insurance - life insurance too!)
  • Information in different levels so you can learn what you need to know when you need to know it. For instance, you can read a summary if that is all you need. At the other extreme, our information digs down to form letters and how to complete forms such as the Social Security Disability Insurance application.

We encourage you and all other users to share what you learn so other people don't have to waste precious time reinventing the wheel or going up blind alleys.

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