Organ, Tissue and Body Donation
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Organ, tissue (skin) and body donation help other people or medical science.
Organ and tissue donation does not disfigure the body which can still be displayed in an open casket.
There is no cost to you or your family for making such a gift. You and your heirs do not receive any money for agreeing to the donation. If you donate the body, the cost of burial can be paid for by the medical institution.
It is a myth to think that a death may be unnaturally hastened to obtain donor organs or that organs may be removed even before the person has died. In fact, no doctor who is in any way involved in obtaining or transplanting organs can declare a person dead or even be present at the removal of that person's organs.
All 50 states have adopted a form of The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act which describes how you can authorize these donations. You can also authorize donations in your LIving Will or Healthcare Power of Attorney, or through a contract with a health care facility.
Usually next-of-kin permission is required in addition to your written consent.
For more information, see: