Colorectal Cancer: Advanced
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This area of the Guide is for people who are undergoing treatment when the purpose is to keep cancer in check until a new treatment becomes available.
If you have read other sections of our guide:
The core of the discussions is similar, but the differences concerning each part of your life affected by cancer make it worthwhile to at least read the summaries in the other sections of this document. Experience indicates that there is bound to be at least one thought that is new to you that will be helpful.
If you haven’t read other sections of our guide:
Our discussion is divided into the various parts of your life that may be affected by cancer. We recommend that you at least read the summaries in the other sections of this document to get an idea of the subjects covered and a few key principles that can make life easier. Even if you were diagnosed a good while ago, there’s bound to be at least one thought that is new to you that will help.
Our medical discussion includes a subject that studies indicate doctors seldom bring up because they wait for the patient to bring it up: The question of whether it is time to stop treating the disease and instead move quality of life to the forefront. Even if you are nowhere near such a thought, consider at least reading about the components that would go into such a decision. Dealing with this issue rather than burying it under layers of anxiety and fear can help you be in control – whatever your decision. Keep in mind that considering such a decision, much less deciding to make the shift, does not mean giving up, or giving up hope. Thanks to the extraordinary medical advances to date, there is always reason to hope. If the medical facts change, you can always change your mind.
While information can help you feel in control, too much can also be overwhelming. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, take a break and return when you’re ready to learn more. Alternatively, ask someone in your inner circle to review a particular subject for you. Keep in mind that family and friends want to help.
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