Content Overview
- Summary
- Am I A Good Candidate For Starting A Business?
- Determine The Type Of Business You Wish To Operate
- Do Your Research
- Create A Business Plan
- Determine How Much Money You Will Need To Get Started
- Determine How You Will Finance Your Business
- Should You Disclose Your Health Condition To Investors/Lenders?
- Consider Health Insurance And Other Benefits
- Determine Which Experts Will Be A Part Of Your Team
- Think About What You Want To Happen If You Become Sick, Either For A Short Or Longer Period Of Time
- Consider Leasing Yourself To Your Business
- There Is A Lot Of Free Help Available To Start A New Business
- If You Have A Disability And Are Considering Starting Your Own Business
- Consider How The Business Will Affect Your Family, Spouse, Partner
Work: Starting Your Own Business
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Whether your diagnosis has started you thinking about starting your own business, or it's a thought that's been in the works for some time, don't let your health condition keep you from considering this option. The key is whether you're physically and mentally up to it and whether you are a good candidate for starting a business.
If you are thinking about starting your own business, consider the following subjects, each of which are covered in other sections of this article:
- Ask yourself:
- Do your research.
- Create a business plan.
- Determine how much money you will need to tide you over until you earn enough to continue your style of living.
- Determine where you will find the money to tide you over.
- Decide whether to tell the money about your health condition.
- Consider whether you will be able to maintain or obtain health insurance and other benefits.
- Think about what experts to bring on board.
- Think about what you want to happen if you become sick, either for a short or longer period of time.
- Consider leasing yourself to your business.
- Think about accessing the free help that is available.
- Consider how the business will affect your family.
If you are disabled, there are services available to help you start a business.
If you think as if your financial life is on the line, you will have incentive to keep your focus on the business and to constantly reevaluate the situation looking for ways to do things better.
NOTE: There are government training programs to help learn new skills and programs to educate people about how to start a business. To find out about the programs in your area, contact your local employment agency or visit the Labor Department's Web site: Click on "Training" for a list of state-run programs. When you find a program: check eligibility to see if you qualify.
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