How To Check On The Number Of Your Work Credits
Review Social Security's version of your work history.
To obtain a statement showing your annual earnings and benefits:
- If you are younger than age 60: You must sign up online. Social Security no longer mails these statements. To get a statement, go to www.socialsecurity.gov
. Click on "get your Social Security statement online." (In some instances, for example if your credit reports were frozen, you will have to go to a Social Security office to set up an account.)
- If you are age 60 or older: You will still receive statements in the mail. If you don't have your most recent statement, you can complete a Request for Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement (Form SSA-7004SM). This form is available free of charge online or at your local Social Security office. You can locate your local office by typing in your zip code at http://s044a90.ssa.gov/apps6z/FOLO/fo001.jsp
. You will receive your report through the mail whether you request it online, via mail, or in person at the Social Security office. For more information, see If Social Security's Record of Your Earnings Is Not Correct.
As an alternative, you can obtain a free copy by doing one of the following:
- Call Social Security toll-free at 800.772.1213.
- Contact your local Social Security office. You can locate your local office at: https://secure.ssa.gov/apps6z/FOLO/fo001.jsp
You will need the following information:
- Your name as shown on your Social Security Card
- Your Social Security Number
- Your date of birth
- Your place of birth
- Your mother's maiden name - last name only (to help identify you)
Check your statement carefully.
Errors are common.
At least check the spelling of the name to make sure it is correct.
If the number of work credits don't seem correct, check the accuracy of your work history. You can check by comparing the wage amounts listed with those on your W-2 statements. If you did not save your W-2's, check your previous tax returns and/or contact former employers.
If information is missing or is wrong, correct it by following the instructions on the form.
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