The Basics
Your World Has A New Normal. Expect The Best. Prepare For The What Ifs. Be In Charge.
Keep In Mind That Your World Has A New Normal
As a person who has recently been diagnosed, it may be the last thing you want to hear, but the reality is that life as you knew it before your diagnosis has changed. Experience indicates that just about every aspect of your life will be affected. While things may all seem a jumble at this point, they will eventually settle into a new normal.
New normal is here for the rest of your life. Even after a positive outcome to your current situation, there will always be the risk that your condition will return or something else will happen. No matter how many years pass, you will always see the world through diagnosed eyes.
Once you accept the continuing risk, replace fear with action.
Expect The Best
- Know that there is no such thing as false hope.
- Do your best to keep a positive attitude. (To learn how, click here.)
- "Live" with a health condition, rather than spend time "dying" of it.
Expecting the best may be a change in habit for you. If so, it may take time to change. It's worth the effort to try -- and to keep trying.
Prepare For The What Ifs
- Strive for realistic optimism - balance optimism with the reality of day-to-day living.
- Because of your health condition, your work and financial situation could be severely affected, or you could become incapacitated, or even die.
Be In Charge
- Be pro-active, in control of your own life. (For a list of reasons to be in charge, click here.)
- Use all the resources available to you.
- Keep in mind that the medical world is only one of the resources in your arsenal. Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Eating well, exercising and getting rest are even more important in your new normal.
- Do what you can to put your economic work world and your support team into the best shape you can. They provide the keys to not just surviving, but also thriving.
- If being in charge is be lonely and intimidating at times -- even overwhelming -- keep in mind that it is a small price to pay to achieve the outcome you seek.
- If you want to turn over the decision making in particular areas to other people, that's your choice. There is no right or wrong. Only what works for you.
Do your best. We're all human.