How To Find Missing Money
There are a variety of easily available, free web sites to help find money or other assets to which you are entitled that you may not be aware of.
For example:
- MissingMoney.com
- A database of unclaimed bank accounts, stocks and bonds, and life insurance policies
- PBGC.gov
- Pensions owed to retirees who have worked for companies with retirement plans known as defined-benefit plans
- Run by the federal government
- IRS.gov
- Run by the Internal Revenue Service
- Lists tax refunds which are unclaimed
- TreasuryDirect.gov
- Lists unclaimed savings bonds
- Run by the U.S. Department of the Treasury
- Unclaimed.org
- Unclaimed.org is run by the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (representing state governments)
- This site searches for unclaimed property (sometimes referred to as abandoned property) in accounts in financial institutions and companies that have had no activity generated or contact with the owner for one year or more.
- Common forms of unclaimed property include savings or checking accounts, stocks, uncashed dividends or payroll checks, refunds, traveler's checks, trust distributions, unredeemed money orders or gift certificates (in some states), insurance payments or refunds and life insurance policies, annuities, certificates of deposit, customer overpayments, utility security deposits, mineral royalty payments, and contents of safe deposit boxes.
- Unclaimed.org includes links to sites for specific types of unclaimed property such as Veterans Administration benefits or holocaust resources. (See "Other Sources For Unclaimed Property")
NOTE: Expect that the sites will require information which identifies you or the person for whom you are looking for property. For instance:
- Complete given name
- Maiden name
- Social Security number
- Current and past addresses
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