Free Tax Counseling
Following are sources of free tax counseling:
- Free tax counseling is available for people who make $50,000 or less and need assistance in preparing their own tax returns may be available under the IRS's VITA program. As a general matter, volunteer sites providing assistance are open between January 1 and April 15.To find an assistance center near you, click here
. If the link doesn't work, go to www.irs.gov
and type the following into the search box: vita. Then type in your zip code. Or you can call the IRS at 800. 906.9887
- Free counseling is available to people age 60 and through the AARP Tax Aide (also known as the TCE Program). The service is particularly for people with questions about pensions or retirement issues unique to seniors. You can find teh nearest site by going to: http://www.aarp.org/applications/VMISLocator/searchTaxAideLocations.action
or calling 888.227.7669
- Branch offices of H & R Block sometimes have a promotion where they will review old tax returns for free. They call the service: "Second Look Service." If you are owed money, there is a small charge to amend your return. If the review shows you owe money, the company will tell you how to refile with the IRS and make payments. It does not inform the IRS.
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