Hospice At Home Or In A Facility: Pros and Cons
There may not be a choice as to where to do hospice care. For instance, if you require equipment that is only available in a hospital.
If there is a choice where hospice care will be provided, consider the pros and cons of each location. Keep in mind that your can change your mind (and location) if the decision turns out not to be the best for you.
- You' ae in the comfort of your own home.
- Friends and relatives can visit easily - and at all hours of the day and night.
- Your friends and family will be likely be your primary caregivers.
- The least expensive alternative.
- If you need care with the activities of daily living, friends and family or paid aides will have to provide it. Hospice at home does not generally include these frequently necessary services - many of which are physically intimate. Someone will have to coordinate care schedules.
- The life of the people who live with you is disrupted.
- If you are house-bound, you may feel isolated.
- Emergency services are not readily available.
- There may be expenses that are not reimbursed by insurance.
- Changes may be required to your residence to accommodate your medical needs.
HOSPICE CARE IN A FACILITY (a hospital or a nursing home)
- Easier to serve complex medical needs.
- Particularly appealing if there is no family/friend support team necessary to provide day-to-day home hospice care.
- More visits from professionals who will be at the hospice serving other people as well.
- Possible support of other people going through a similar situation.
- More flexible hours for family and friends to visit than in normal institutional setting.
- Children and even pets are usually allowed to visit.
- More expensive.
- While generally in a home-like setting, it's not home.
- More difficult for family and friends to visit.
- The death of other patients in the hospice.
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