Work: Return To
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Returning to work after time off because of a health condition can have psychological as well as financial benefits. It can be powerful to feel like a productive member of society, able and willing to work.
At the same time, returning to work can be a scary prospect both emotionally and financially, particularly if you have been out of work for an extended period of time. Even a seemingly simple decision such as whether or not you are ready to return to work can actually be quite complex.
Since so many people re-enter the workforce before they are ready and regret not thinking through the consequences, we urge you to take your time to evaluate what's best for you. Job skills, resumes, interviews, benefits, salary, disclosure, and discrimination can all be issues with the potential to complicate a return to work. We recomend that you take the following steps before returning to work.
Step 1. Test whether you are ready to return to work.
Step 2. Identify your ideal job.
Step 3. Consider whether to update your skills. Depending on the work you've decided to pursue and the length of time that you have been out of the workforce, your skills may need to be updated. If so, low cost sources of help are available. To learn how to update your skills on the cheap, click here.
Step 4. Decide whether to return to your previous employer, go to a new employer, or perhaps become self employed or start a business. For ideas to consider to help make the decision, see: Do I Want To Return to My Previous Employer, A New Employer Or Do Something On My Own?
Step 5. Consider the effect that a return to work will have on your finances.
Step 6. Consider the effect that a return to work will have on your benefits.
Step 7. Think about what would happen if you have a relapse and have to stop working.
There are also steps to take before and after returning to work to make the transition easier.
If you decide to look for a new job, see: Work: Seeking New Employment.