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Wheelchairs 101

Working With Your Team

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Now that you have an idea of what is available and have given some thought to your own needs, it’s time to meet with your team and get their input. Set up a meeting with your physiotherapist or physiatrist and the Durable Medical Equipment salesperson.

Your therapist will contribute medical expertise and knowledge of your specific limitations and need. The sales representative will know what’s available, what it will cost, and how it can be paid for. You need to bring your personal thoughts and preferences to the picture. Among the three of you, you should develop a good idea of just what chair will be optimal for you.

Although the other members of your team are experts, remember you are the one who will be using the chair. If they recommend something that you don’t understand, don’t accept their recommendation until they have explained their reasoning to you so that you understand what they’re recommending and why. You have the final say. You are the expert on your own wishes and opinions.

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