Veterans Benefits
Who Is Eligible For Veterans Benefits?
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To qualify for Veterans benefits, in addition to meeting the specific requirements of each benefit, you must:
- Have served on active duty (full time service) in one of the following:
- Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard.
- Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) or Women's Air Service Pilots (WASP).
- Commissioned Officer Corps of the Public Health Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, formerly the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
- In some circumstances, served during wartime with the Merchant Marine or Flying Tigers OR
- Served on "Active Duty for Training" which means called to full-time duty while a member of the National Guard or Reserve Corps.
Generally, any length of time on active duty will qualify a veteran for benefits with some exceptions that are noted below.
Bad conduct, dishonorable, less than honorable or undesirable military discharges which may prevent eligibility for VA medical care, pensions, compensation or other benefits can be changed by applying to the appropriate military service's discharge review board. To learn more, see:
If there is a question whether you are eligible, contact the Enrollment Coordinator at your local VA health care facility. To find the nearest facility, go to the VA's website . .
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