SSI 101: An Overview
Other Benefits That Generally Accompany SSI
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The most common benefit that generally accompanies SSI is Medicaid. In some states, if you qualify for SSI, you automatically qualify for Medicaid as of the date of the SSI application, or, if later, as of the date of eligibility.
Shortly after your SSI benefits are approved, you should automatically receive in the mail your Medicaid documentation, usually an ID card. If you need medical services before the card arrives, especially if you qualify for Presumptive SSI benefits, your local Social Security office will provide a referral letter that you can take to your local Medicaid agency and get your Medicaid activated more quickly.
Other states impose additional requirements for Medicaid eligibility. If you have to apply separately at a separate state office, the Social Security office and/or your local disease specific nonprofit organization will provide the necessary information.
States may also offer additional benefits based on your SSI eligibility. Your local Social Security office will provide information on what your state provides you.
To check about other benefits to which you may be entitled in your state on your own, see
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