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How To Make It Easier To Keep Spirituality
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Following are a few tips that have helped other people keep their spirituality. Please share yours.
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- Spend time with people who are spiritual and who incorporate spirituality into their daily life.
- Avoid discussions with people who believe their spiritual or religious belief is the only right one.
- Discussion with people who have other beliefs can help you refine your own thoughts. However, someone who is certain their way is the only right way can only cause unnecessary friction and self doubt.
- Work on resolving issues with other people.
- Keep inspiring books, audio or video nearby at all times.
- All of the world's great religions recognize the daily need for a reminder of a connection to a higher power. In fact, they include reminders several times a day. For example, in the Jewish religion, the repitition of the prayer known as the Amidah.
- The works don't have to be visible. For instance, at work, you can keep a book in a drawer, locker or file cabinet.
- Keep a place in your home that reminds you of your spiritual beliefs.
- Attend the place every day, or as often as you can.
- Rejoice in your life experiences, even the ones that seem to be negative.
- This can be particularly difficult with a diagnosis of a life challenging health condition. However, as Linda S wrote: "My dog doesn't understand me. What makes me think I can understand my colon cancer or other things that happen to me? If I believe that there is a higher power, then my job is to look for the silver lining - even as I do my best I can to be healed."
- Think about your sense of purpose in your daily activities and daily interactions with people.
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