On Disability
Potential Sources of Income Replacement To Consider While On Disability
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Employer: Check with your employer to make sure you are receiving all the income to which you may be entitled. For instance, check:
- Sick leave and holiday plans
- Short and long term income replacement plans.
Perhaps you can borrow money from your employer or co-workers could do a fund raiser.
Government programs:
- If you haven't, check to see if you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). There may also be state programs to consider.
- Check to see if you qualify for unemployment insurance. One of the requirements generally needed to qualify is that you are able to work.
- Check to see if you qualify for such programs as Temporary Aid To Needy Families (TANF) or Food Stamps.
Your own assets: You may be able to obtain cash from one of your existing assets without selling the asset. We call this "New Uses of Assets."
Friends and family: If necessary, borrow from family and friends. Survivorship A to Z tells you how. Click here.
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