Content Overview 
- Summary
- Advantages of Medical Tourism
- Risks Of Medical Tourism
- Step 1. Define Your Need
- Step 2. Research The Alternatives
- Step 3. Check References When You Narrow Your Search To One Or More Potential Health Care Providers
- Step 4. Before You Make A Final Decision, Interview The Doctor
- Step 5.Once You Know All The Facts, Contact Your Local Doctor And/Or Hospital.
- Step 6. Budget Your Treatment And Trip. Compare To Costs At Home.
- Step 7. Get The Agreement In Writing
- Step 8. Consider Travel Insurance
- Step 9. Before You Travel, Learn How To Travel Safely With A Health Condition
- Before You Come Home, Get A Copy Of Your Complete Medical Record.
- Companies That Connect Patients To Medical Services
Medical Tourism (Travel For Medical Care)
Companies That Connect Patients To Medical Services
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Following is a list of companies that help arrange medical care for people in different parts of the U.S. and throughout the world. We have not had personal experience with any of these companies. If you do, please share your experience by email to Survivorship A to Z. Please keep in mind t hat this industry is not regulated and anyone can enter t he business.Look at how long the company has been in business and ask for personal references. Call the references. Also check to see whether the company is affiliated with any health insurance companies or major employers.
, Arranges for procedures in the United States with providers with whom it has negotiated discounts. Company is based in Vancouver. Tel.: 866.496.2764
- Companion Global Healthcare
Tel.: 800-906-7065, Columbia S.C. includes all procedures outside the U.S. - a subsidiary of Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina. The CEO, David Boucher, is quoted in Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine as follows: "We physically visit every hospital in our network. Our onsite survey takes five to nine hours, and sometimes a couple of days for large hospitals." Companion does not accept referral fees from hospitals. Patients pay a case-management fee, in addition to the cost of travel and medical care.
- Companies that arrange care in India:
(India-America Global Solutions, Ltd.) Lakewood, CO Tel.: 800.466.9502 or 303.987.2220
, Owings Mills, MD
- Aan agency that arranges medical care in India, including services such as pick-up at the airport.
- Medical care in Europe, contact the USA office at Tel.: 512.784.5824
, Medical care inside and outside the U.S. Located in Boston, MA. Tel.: 888.691.4584 or 617.418.3436
- Plastic surgery in Margarita Island, Venezuela
-- The website doesn't list a contact phone number or address. To contact the agency, you have to complete a form which asks for your name, address etc. as well as the procedure you want and countries you'd be interested in.
, Tel.: 888.499.8658, 415.659.8282, San Francisco, CA
Arranges provision of medical care in a variety of locations outside the U.S. Tel.: 877.876.3373. Located in Vernon Hills, IL
, Tel.: 888.MED JRNY, 212.931.0557 Located in New York, NY
-- Arranges cancer treatments and other procedures overseas -- with people abroad to help you on arrival. Tel.: 800.243.0172 or 818.591.1668. According to Kiplinger's Personal Finance, Planet Hospital typically recommends three or four hospitals for your to choose from,. Although the company is paid by the hospitals in its network, staffers have no incentive to recommend one over another. As of 2012, patients pay for concierge service that costs $100 per day for the first three days and $75 a day thereafter.
- Located in the United Kingdom, arranges medical procedures around the world.
-- Located in Concord, CA Tel.: 866.999.3848
- dental services in Costa Rica
- dental services in Mexico
NOTE: If an agency you're interested in is based in the United States, check it out with the local Better Business Bureau. Also type the name in several search engines to find out if there are comments about the agency from past customers.