Content Overview 
- Summary
- Advantages of Medical Tourism
- Risks Of Medical Tourism
- Step 1. Define Your Need
- Step 2. Research The Alternatives
- Step 3. Check References When You Narrow Your Search To One Or More Potential Health Care Providers
- Step 4. Before You Make A Final Decision, Interview The Doctor
- Step 5.Once You Know All The Facts, Contact Your Local Doctor And/Or Hospital.
- Step 6. Budget Your Treatment And Trip. Compare To Costs At Home.
- Step 7. Get The Agreement In Writing
- Step 8. Consider Travel Insurance
- Step 9. Before You Travel, Learn How To Travel Safely With A Health Condition
- Before You Come Home, Get A Copy Of Your Complete Medical Record.
- Companies That Connect Patients To Medical Services
Medical Tourism (Travel For Medical Care)
Step 4. Before You Make A Final Decision, Interview The Doctor
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If the doctor speaks English, perhaps you can call from home before making a final decision. If the doctor doesn't speak English, speaking with his or her interpreter will give you a taste of what it will be like to communicate with the doctor abroad.
If calling is expensive from your telephone, perhaps you have a friend who can let you use his or her computer to call for free or little money.
If you can't arrange a phone call, consider e-mail.
Have your medical records available when you call in case you're asked medical questions for which you don't have a ready answer.
Among questions to consider:
- What medical records will the doctor want to see? Can you send them ahead of time in case there is something in them that would prevent or alter the procedure?
- What tests will the doctor want? If you've already undergone some of the tests, will those results be acceptable or will the tests have to be repeated? If the tests are acceptable, what does he or she need you to bring?
- Can initial medical work be done at home before leaving?
Let the doctor know you will need a written copy of a full medical report. (You may have to sign a document permitting release of your medical records.)