Medical Marijuana 101
Marijuana And The Law
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There is a conflict between federal law which outlaws the use of marijuana and the law of a number of states which legalize it for medical purposes and the few states in which marijuana is legal for recreational purposes. To date, the federal government has not pursued users of marijuana for medical purposes in those states in which it is legal.
On a state level, marijuana is legal when used for medical purposes in 28 states. It is also legal in Alaska, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada and Washington for recreational use for people over the age of 21.
- For information about the laws in your state, and, if marijuana is legal, how to obtain it, and other program details, click here
. If the link does not work, go to
and search on "marijuana laws"
- For information about how to enroll in a program in a state in which medical marijuana is legal, see
. Search on "How To Become a Legal Patient," or call 888.929.4367.
On the federal level: While the federal government considers marijuana to be an illegal controlled substance, federal prosecutors have been told not to use their time to arrest people who use or provide medical marijuana in compliance with state law.
For the latest news about the legality of medical marijuana, see , and