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Medical Emergency: How To Be Prepared

Medical I.D. Bracelets or Necklaces

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Think about wearing a medical i.d. bracelet or tag, carrying a specially marked USB flash drive that can be read from any computer in an emergency, or carrying an identifying card. EMS and EMT medical percsonnel are trained to look for medical emergency identification on all four limbs and the neck.  If you can't speak for yourself, your medical ID can tell emergency medical personnel what to treat first and what not to treat.

  • Bracelets and tags are available in a variety of styles from the most basic bracelet to precious metal from a variety of sources. For instance, you can search in your favorite search engine on words such as "Medical i.d. bracelet". Preferably look for a bracelet or tag which works in conjunction with a secure website or toll-free telephone number. Instead of the most basic information, such systems can provide your complete medical history. Some tags, such as the one from offsite link, include additional services such as a family notification service. 
    • offsite link has a personal help button worn around neck or wrist that sends an alert when there is a fall
    • offsite link tracks daily activity and monitors medical indicators. The monitor can display diets, discharge plans, exercises etc. An internet connection talks with wireless sensors that you place around the house. Caregivers see via website.
    • offsite link is a mobile personal emergency response system for use at home or while travelling. It includes GPS technology and alerts CPR trained agents to find your location and assess the situation.
    • offsite link includes a GPS tracking system and in home base station. When the help button is pushed, a medical team responds. E mails go to caregivers and let them know where you are.
  • USB flash drives can range from standard drives that you write on with say a Sharpie pen, to drives offered by companies such as American Medical ID ( offsite link) or MedInfo Chip ( offsite link)
  • I.D. cards are available from a program called Invisible Bracelet. Rather than wear a bracelet or carry a device, you carry a card that provides a website address and an i.d. number. To learn more, see offsite link

NOTE: If you decide to use a bracelet or tag, speak with your doctor to find out whether there is anything in particular that he or she thinks should be engraved on your i.d.  

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