Content Overview 
- Summary
- What To Take With You When Applying For Medicaid
- How To Prepare Before Applying For Medicaid
- Where To Apply For Medicaid
- Best Days And Times To Apply For Medicaid
- How To Prepare For The Interview When Applying For Medicaid
- At The Interview When Applying For Medicaid
- The Medical Review
- The Consultative Exam (Examination By A Doctor)
Medicaid: How To Apply For
The Medical Review
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About one to two weeks after your interview, your file will be sent from Medicaid to the state agency that processes the medical portion of the applications for all Medicaid disability claims as well as Social Security disability claims.
At the state agency, a Disability Evaluation Analyst will be assigned to handle your file. The analyst will obtain your medical records if you have not already provided them and will use them to determine whether or not you are disabled according to their standard. The Representative who helped when you submitted your Medicaid application should be able to give you the Analyst's name and phone number if you don't hear from her directly.
Check in occasionally with the Analyst:
- Don't check in so frequently that you become a bother. It's best to wait three to four weeks after applying for Medicaid to call for the first time. It takes about a week to get your file from Medicaid, and another ten days to two weeks for the doctors to reply to requests or questionnaires. .
- Ask if the analyst is waiting for any records or information. If so, help the analyst obtain the required data. Call the doctor or the doctor's office manager to push the office to get the records promptly. If necessary, offer to go to the doctor's office and photocopy the records yourself.
Send the Analyst any new information such as new lab reports, or new or worsening symptoms. Make sure the Analyst gets the medical records that show any changes in your health condition.
While the Disability Evaluation Analyst's workload is such that you may have trouble making a friend, it still will help if you try to make a friend with the Analyst during this process. See Make A Friend.
The analyst may also ask you and/or your doctor to complete additional forms. For an understanding of those forms, as well as tips for completing them, see: Medicaid: Forms An Analyst May Ask You To Complete ("Supplemental Questionnaires")