Media: How To Get Press Coverage
Step 3. Do Your Homework
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Consider both so-called old media (television, radio, newspapers, magazines) and new media (the internet) as potential outlets for your story.
Old Media
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- Start small with your local media outlets. Don't worry about the size of your audience. Local media feed off each other and there is always the potential for your story to grow. You can always submit your published clip to an even bigger media outlet later on.
- Research local newspapers, magazines, television stations, and radio stations. Find out which ones cover health care, special interest, and any other segments or topics that would relate to your cause. Do not expect to talk to the station's lead anchor or personality. Start small.
- Make a list of all the names of all the reporters from the local papers, radio stations, news stations and blogs that you've been researching who cover your subject.
- Find out how to contact the reporters. Look at the publication's online website to start. Ideally, get a direct phone number. If you can't obtain a number, go for an e mail address or fax number. If all else fails, get the snail mail address.
- Check their past stories for their contact information. Some news stations include their reporters' contact information at the end of a segment.
- Check the organization's website.
- Call the television or radio station or periodical. A receptionist can help point you in the right direction.
- If all else fails, use a search engine such as Google or Dogpile, check the yellow pages, or call 411.
New Media
- Research and contact online sites that cover health care, special interest, and any other segments or topics that would relate to your cause. For example, check Huffington Post
and ReaderSupportedNews
- Consider posting your story on your own social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter, connective sites such as LinkedIn, as well as on other people's pages. In addition to telling your story, ask how the reader can help.
- Write comments on related stories, with a brief description of your story and a link to more information.
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