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Credit unions generally have fewer and lower fees than commercial banks.
You can join a credit union easily. For example:
(credit unions by location or the organization with which they are affiliated)
- Alliant Credit Union is open to people who make a onetime donation of $10 to Foster Care To Success, a charity which serves foster teens.
- Pentagon Federal Credit Union is open to people who make a one time donation of $20 to National Military Family Association or who are employees or volunteers of the American Red Cross.
- You can find additional credit unions through web sites such as National Association of Federal Credit Unions:
and National Credit Union Administration:
You can access your money across the country through a variety of means. For example:
- The Co-Op Network: Members have access without a surcharge fee to thousands of ATMs across the US and Canada. To find out if there are ATMs convenient for your life, see:
- Members of The Credit Union Service Center Network can use branches of other credit unions in the network. See:
- Most credit unions belong to bank ATM networks. Some credit unions don't charge a fee or reimburse you in part or in full for ATM fees that other institutions charge.
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