Content Overview 
- Schedule tests to get results soonest
- Use relaxation techniques.
- Keep busy.
- Use your mind to reframe what is happening
- Keep a balance In your life.
- Use whatever techniques helped get you through past stressful periods
- Include activities that make you feel good.
- Include activities that keep your attention.
- Take advantage of your support systems.
- Research your condition if it helps.
- Take care of yourself. Talk to your doctor if you need help sleeping.
- Enlist the help of a higher power.
- Live In the moment.
- Ask that you be given test results as soon as possible
- Exercise.
- Listen to soothing music either under the guidance of a therapist or on your own
- Try to think positively. Recognize negative thoughts and try to change them.
- Don't make rash decisions or open the spending spigot irrationally.
- Watch for signs of depression.
- Keep In mind that symptoms and side effects such as pain, fatigue and nausea can be controlled.
How To Cope With Waiting For An Appointment Or Test Results
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Exercise is good for your body. It also stimulates endorphins which make you feel better.
Exercise doesn't have to be in a gym - and can be as simple as walking.
If you already exercise, consider increasing it.
For exercise tips, click here.
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