Content Overview 
- Schedule tests to get results soonest
- Use relaxation techniques.
- Keep busy.
- Use your mind to reframe what is happening
- Keep a balance In your life.
- Use whatever techniques helped get you through past stressful periods
- Include activities that make you feel good.
- Include activities that keep your attention.
- Take advantage of your support systems.
- Research your condition if it helps.
- Take care of yourself. Talk to your doctor if you need help sleeping.
- Enlist the help of a higher power.
- Live In the moment.
- Ask that you be given test results as soon as possible
- Exercise.
- Listen to soothing music either under the guidance of a therapist or on your own
- Try to think positively. Recognize negative thoughts and try to change them.
- Don't make rash decisions or open the spending spigot irrationally.
- Watch for signs of depression.
- Keep In mind that symptoms and side effects such as pain, fatigue and nausea can be controlled.
How To Cope With Waiting For An Appointment Or Test Results
Include activities that keep your attention.
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Fill your time as much as possible with activities that make time disappear. For instance:
- A page turner novel that you can't put down
- A hobby
- Any activity lose track of time while doing.
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