Content Overview 
- Summary
- 3 Steps To Take To Help Decide Whether To Disclose Your Medical Condition
- Reasons to Disclose And Reasons Not To Disclose A Health Condition
- If I Choose Not To Disclose, How Can I Handle Workplace Issues?
- If I Choose To Disclose My Medical Condition To My Employer, When Should I Disclose?
- How Should I Disclose My Health Condition?
- If I Disclose My Medical Condition, What Should I Disclose?
- If I Disclose My Health Condition To My Employer, To Whom Should I Disclose?
- Is There Anything I Should Do After Disclosure?
Disclosing Your Health Condition To Your Employer
3 Steps To Take To Help Decide Whether To Disclose Your Medical Condition
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To answer this question, take the following 3 steps:
Step 1. Think about the possible reasons to disclos
Return to Topice and not to disclose. A list of reasons that may help jog your thinking is in the next section of this document.
Step 2. Make a list of your reasons.
Step 3. Put your list away for a day or so and then look at it again. Things will probably look different. You may even find that you have items to add.
If you decide to disclose, consider:
- The timing of your disclosure
- The appropriate method for disclosing
- How much to disclose
- To whom to disclose
If you decide not to disclose, then read: If I Choose Not To Disclose: How Can I Handle Workplace Issues?
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