Content Overview 
- Summary
- Investigations By Social Security / Private Insurer and Employer Disability Plans
- What To Do If You Are Contacted To Prove That You Are Still "Disabled" For Purposes Of Disability Income.
- How To Handle Telephone Calls
- What To Do If You Learn There Are Surveillance Tapes Or Records
- What To Do If Disability Income Payments Stop Or You Are Informed That They May Stop.
Disability Income Insurance: While On Disability
Investigations By Social Security / Private Insurer and Employer Disability Plans
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Social Security (Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
As a general matter, the Social Security Administration will wait a few years from the award of disability status before conducting an evaluation determination. For example, reviews most often occur 3, 5 or 7 years after the award of the disability status.
However, if Social Security receives information that a beneficiary may have returned to work or appears to have improved, it will initiate a review.
Private Insurance Company Or Employee Plan
Insurance companies and employers generally do a detailed investigation before deciding to start making disability income payments. However, once the payments start to flow, there is generally very little checking about whether the person continues to be disabled so long as whatever requirements the insurer has are met. For instance, you may be required to file an annual report from a doctor that the disability continues.
If the disability is due to a mental condition, it is likely the company will start questioning whether the disability continues after a year or two.
There are some insurance companies or employers that may be more aggressive in their review of a continuing disability.
Disability policies provided by an employer
Some employers are beginning to conduct their own investigations to limit their costs. If you are covered through a group plan, it is worth asking about your employer's procedures. There may be paperwork you have to fill out on a periodic basis.