Colorectal Cancer: Managing Your Medical Care: Once A Treatment Decision Is Made
Execute/Update Legal Documents To Stay In Control
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To Keep Control Of Your Medical Care
Everyone should consider what we want to happen in case medical care is needed and we are unable to speak for ourselves. While something could go wrong during a treatment, this suggestion is only partially about those risks. The reality is that every moment is a blessing and we never know what will happen. The word "accident" refers to the unexpected. Don't forget Terri Shiavo, the Florida woman who ended up on a respirator for years whose situation went to the U.S. Congress. When she collapsed, she was a young woman in her 20's with no medical history.
Documents to make your wishes happen in the physical areas are known as Advance Healthcare Directives. Documents about your wishes if your become mentally challenged are known as Advance Mental Health Directives. Both types of directives are free, easy to obtain and easy to execute.
If you do not have an Advance Healthcare Directive or Mental Health Care Directive, consider executing one or more. For more information about Advance Healthcare Directives, including how to choose someone to act on your behalf, click here. For information about Mental Health Care Directives, click here.
If you already have an Advance Directive:
- Check it to be sure it is up-to-date with your wishes. The last thing needed is a lengthy, expensive delay while people argue over whether you still would want what you put in writing.
- You can indicate that the wishes expressed in the document are still your current wishes by dating and signing the document again or even just initialing it.
Studies indicate that even with Advance Directives in place, patients' wishes are often ignored. Survivorship A to Z provides information on how to enforce an Advance Directive. Click here.
To Keep Control Of Your Assets
To control what happens to your assets in case you die, execute a Will - or check your existing will to be sure it is up-to-date. If you don't have your own valid will, your assets will pass according to the terms of the will established by the state in which you life (this is known as "intestate.") Wills do not have to be expensive. They may even be free.
It is a myth to think that you will die just because you execute a will.
- While you’re at it, consider writing a document known as an ethical will. It tells your family information you want passed on. See “To Learn More.”
- If you have substantial assets, speak with a tax expert or attorney for estate planning. Prepare for the meeting by clicking here. For information about how to prepare for a meeting with a lawyer, click here.