Colorectal Cancer: Advanced
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If you haven’t before, now is a good time to get your legal affairs in order. While you are thinking about it, this would be a good time for your entire family to focus on these subjects. Life changing events can happen to any of us at any time. (Shifting the focus to the family unit also takes away any fear on their part that you are taking these steps because of health news that you are not sharing).
At the least, consider executing documents known as Advance Directives which let you stay in control of the medical care you do or do not want if you become unable to speak for yourself or become unconscious. The documents are free, easy to complete, and don’t require a lawyer. Of particular note is a Health Care Power Of Attorney which appoints a person you trust to make decisions for you if events warrant – and enforce them if there is any push back. (See: How To Talk With Family About Your Wishes If You Become Incapacitated And Can't Speak For Yourself)
If you have children, make plans in case you are temporarily or permanently unable to care for them. For information, see Children 101.
Consider creating something like an Ethical Will which tells your children what you learned during your lifetime and family history. Or perhaps a video or photo scrap book of your times together.
Keep control of what happens to your assets if you die by at least having a will. Wills also help prevent family fights. Wills are not expensive, and may even be free. We provide a form to help you pull together the relevant information to make the writing easier – particularly if you use a lawyer to write it for you. See: Wills 101.
Thinking about, and talking about, funeral plans will save unnecessary stress and a good deal of money. This is known as pre-planning. Pre-paying is not advisable (unless, of course, you’ve done it already). See: Funerals 101.
NOTE: Check all documents, securities accounts and banks accounts with beneficiaries on them to be sure:
- The beneficiary you want is listed.
- If there is more than one beneficiary, the split between them is clear.