Content Overview 
Children: How To Help Children Cope With Your Health Condition
Ages 7 - 13
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The older the child, the greater the child's understanding. .
Maintain physical touch and routines.
- Encourage expression of feelings
- Answer questions truthfully..
Include the child in family rituals. Perhaps create new rituals.
If you need assistance, give your child chores to do so he or she will feel as involved and doing something to help. Make the chores age appropriate.
Play with the child. For instance, play games together. Draw together. Read, dance, act, do sports, garden.
Encourage physical outlets for energy (and emotions).
Particularly with older children, expect contradory and inconsistent behavior.
Watch for high risk behaviors.
Also encourage the child to speak with peers who have a parent who has a health condition such as yours. Your social worker can help make contact, or your doctor's office, or a facility in which you receive treatment, or a disease specific non-profit or a general one such as Cancer Support Community or Cancer Care
Look for confused thinking.
If you are likely to die, Centering Corporation has a variety of books for children facing loss from the death of a parent. See or call 866.218.0101 or 402.553.1200
For teenagers:
- Give teenagers the space they need. This is especially important if you rely on them more than before to help with family needs.
- Give teenagers time to deal with their feelings, alone or with friends.
- Let your teenager know that he or she should still go to school and take part in sports and other fun activities.
NOTE: For information about telling a child of this age about your health condition, click here.