Many believe in freedom of love and freedom of peace,
Freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
Why are there higher taxes, or medicare cuts,
Social security turndowns, is child welfare doing enough?
The more we have to pay, the less we offer to do,
The more they collect, less and less they offer the truth.
When the person next to us has just one dollar more,
Does that make them mightier and us out to be poor?
When children have a home, are loved and well fed,
Is it enough to help remove them, because of false statements that
One has said?
When accused guilty before a reasonable doubt,
Who then do we turn to for help, who do you trust,
Who do we seek out?
They say to teach your children values of honor,
Trust and truth,
But at the same time you are being punished
For ones value of appearance, being better than you.
How are we to teach this, when you take it away?
Are we supposed to pretend, go along and just play?
Some have a nice home clothes that are name brand,
They go to church every Sunday, and their
Pocket books are more grand.
Does this make them better, more sufficient to care?
Only in some ways, but do they have the love to share?
You see in the end, we are all alike, and try on the same glove,
You know the one we all want in life,
The one we call love.
Before you pass judgement upon all others,
Did you truly learn your beliefs from a paycheck,
Or from your father and your mother
Did you receive everything you wanted out of life,
Did you accept that maybe you didn't and
Carry on in strife?
When you become older and there is no medicare for you,
Will you still have the same beliefs,
Will you still believe them to be true?
Will you remember those values, those one
You pretended to know?
While all those years of acting, did any values grow?
Some still believe color really does matter,
And lies are still stretched to be true,
Just who do we really blame, is it me, or is it you?
Then remember the innocent that were guilty,
Without doubt,
Or the children taken wrongfully away,
While you just went on about.
Did you take the time to see what was lies and
What was true?
Or was it all the same again, too much paper work for you,
If we all give up and choose a paycheck over love and tears,
Will that almighty dollar diminish our fears?
Should we lessen our hearts,
And agree to disagree,
Give up on all faith, and forget our beliefs?
Then we will show no compassion and not try to secure a treaty,
We all have money now, no need to be greedy.
No more stressful lives, no more answers from above,
We gave up on all faith, remember, like many did long ago.
No more cares, no voting, no stopping to help others,
We learned from our role models, so why try to be bothered.
Not sounding to good now, I don't think so,
Life isn't only about money and who has the most to show.
It does tend to help this world out a lot,
I'm not putting it down,
But let's keep reality where it belongs, away form the fattest wallet,
And closer to the ground.
Keep it within our children's own reach,
Let's stay off this cycle, help to take it off of repeat.
We have all learned from many mistakes,
Should our children fall into ours of the same,
Help to teach our children not to follow in these steps,
But now show them how to gain.
To gain the best of what life you live,
Take the worst and make the best,
Try to forget and remember how to forgive.
Soon, their time will come to be an adult,
Don't rush them to fight battles already twice fought.
Then there are those who think life was more better to them,
Did you earn your own respect, or was daddy's open hand your best friend?
Also are those who are called less fortunate,
Because they have less and seem to worry,
Try not to give up on those who tend to call names,
There is no need to be ugly, or even be sorry.
People may call me ignorant to the views I have
Expressly shown,
That I lead a life of closure, and my opinions are far gone.
I wrote all of this, because I feel we don't all care,
But they are all mine, and I chose to share,
No longer do I worry where our world is going to,
I have no more fear,
The emotions I have are betrayal and lies,
the pain shows in my tears.
Many say you'll find encouragement,
Don't be picky and look around,
I found my own from down inside,
My heart, my structural ground.
I have children of my own who share my strength and pride,
They are my heart, body and soul,
My blessings in disguise.
Everyone says the children and the future,
Together are our hope,
Well, it's time for us adults to quit playing games
And we ourselves grow up.
How can we teach our children not to discriminate,
If we ourselves don't even try,
We will be the ones to blame in the end,
While we try to comfort our child's cries.
While you are looking for better labels,
And counting money you may never get,
Searching always for the better thing,
And willing to make that bet.
With this do remember, when you go out,
Put on your best face,
That person or family, you just snubbed by,
May have been your saving grace.