Coffins and Other Products Used In A Funeral
Income Taxes
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Although preparing and filing income taxes is seldom a high priority for anyone, you may be motivated if you think of saving on income taxes as earning free money. In fact, if you have a lot of medical expenses, you might be able to cut your tax bill by making the right deductions. There are even some credits you might qualify for as a result of your diagnosis.
Learn what's taxable or not, including your Social Security or other private disability benefits. Better safe than sorry!
Also learn techniques to save on your taxes next year despite -- or thanks to -- your illness. Tax planning becomes even more important for people living with a health condition. If you're thinking about giving to charity an asset which appreciated since you obtained it, consider using a Charitable Remainder Trust.
Practice audit avoidance techniques. Your diagnosis may come in handy if you are audited.
Each of these subjects are covered in the articles in "To Learn More."