Information To Pull Together To Get Ready To Write A Will (A Worksheet)
Whether you plan on writing your Will yourself or asking an attorney to do it, pulling together the relevant information and documents will help hone your thinking, and save you time and money at the lawyer's office.
Our worksheet will help you gather the necessary information. Also review our list of documents to take to your lawyer.
General Instructions for Worksheet:
- Your answers should reflect your assets, situation, and desires as of today. You can change your Will as changes occur.
- If a question does not apply to you, answer "None" or "N/A" (for not applicable).
- If you go to a lawyer to write a Will for you or to at least review the document you've written, take this Worksheet with you and a copy of all requested documents. If you don't have one or more documents, don't let that hold you up from seeing the attorney. Life is uncertain.
NOTE: If you are married or have a significant other, complete a separate Worksheet for each of you if:
- You and/or your spouse have assets close to the federal limit above which your estate will be taxed. As of 2012, the amount is $5,120,000 for federal estate tax purposes, OR
- The two of you want to coordinate how you leave your assets.
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