Internet (Online) Support Groups
Internet Support Groups Compared To In Person Support Groups
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Since a support group that meets on the internet doesn't have the same personal contact as an in-person support group, or even one that meets on the telephone, it has been questioned whether such a group is as effective as one of the other types. A 2002 study by The Cancer Support Community ( ) indicates that online support groups can be as beneficial as in person support groups. The study found that breast cancer patients who participated in 16 weeks of professional facilitated online support groups experienced significant decreases in depression and negative reaction to pain, and significant increases in zest for life and spirituality.
In fact, internet support groups have certain advantages over in person support groups.
- You can meet people with a similar condition who are in a similar situation no matter where you and they are located.
- You don't have to wait for the next meeting to raise a concern or ask for advice.
- You can pick up the threat of an ongoing discussion anytime it suits you.
- You can be anonymous.
- It may be the preferred method for people who prefer to share their thoughts in writing.
- You don't have to leave home.
- It works for people who are uncomfortable with an in-person setting.
Disadvantages of internet support groups include:
- If you belong to a posting web site, you may post vulnerable emotional information and have no reply.
- It is easy for group members to drop in and out.
- It can be easy to be misunderstood without the benefit of body language, facial expression and intonation.