Easy Ways To Eat Better
Eating better involves both your environment and your habits - removing unwanted eating cues and changing your eating habits so they work for you rather than against you.
Following are tips from AARP about easy ways to eat better. When looking at the tips, consider this additional one which is based on the concept that accomplishing a small, doable, goal at a time is likely to make you feel better and keep you from getting discouraged.
- Make two or three small changes.
- Try to stick with them for a month.
- Once you get used to those changes, add another, and then another.
- Do not eat a meal unless it includes a vegetable and preferably also a fruit.
- Use the half plate rule: half of your plate should be filled with salad or vegetables.
- Vary the size of the plates you use.
- Use big plates for foods you want to eat more of (like salads).
- Use smaller plates for pasta and fat laden casseroles you want to eat less of.
- Keep serving platters away from the table instead of on it. You are less likely to go for seconds.
- Have a glass of water before every meal. It will help fill you up.
- Limit yourself to two items in addition to your entre (just like a restaurant does).
- Eat in the kitchen or dining room instead of in front of the television.
- Ed note: also check out "Ask The Nutritionist: Recipes for Fighting Cancer,
" an app for both iPhone and and Android users which was developed by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. In addition to recipes that can help manage dietary restrictions or symptoms, you can ask questions of nutrition experts.
- Make it more difficult to get to snacks. For example:
- Instead of keeping snacks on your desk, keep them six feet away.
- Keep unhealthy snacks in small single-serving food-storage bags. You will eat up to 20% less.
- Move ice cream to a less convenient freezer.
- Keep fruits and vegetables handy.
- Keep a bowl of carrots and/or other vegetables handy.
- Always have a filled fruit bowl on your kitchen counter.
- Dedicate the middle shelf in your refrigerator to fruits and vegetables so they will be visible and handy. Consider pre-cutting some of the fruit and vegetables into small single-serving food storage bags
- Only have an afternoon snack after you first eat a piece of fresh fruit
- Vary the size of glasses. For example:
- Use larger glasses for water.
- Use smaller glasses for beverages with sugar in them.
NOTE: Consider buying organic if you are buying one of the fruits and vegetables that are most contaminated with pesticides. The Enviornmental Working Group Dirty Dozen fruits and vegetables include:
- Apples
- Bell peppers
- Blueberries
- Celery
- Cucumbers
- Grapes
- Lettuce
- Nectarines
- Peaches
- Spinach
- Strawberries
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