Content Overview 
- Summary
- It Is Your Choice Whether To Keep Fighting, How Hard, And For How Longi
- Live Each Day To The Best You Can. Stay Hopeful.
- How To Get Your Affairs In Order
- Speak With Your Doctor About Your Wishes
- How To Cope With Emotional Issues
- How To Cope With Physical Issues
- How To Cope With Financial Issues
- Nutrition
- If You Have A Death Benefit On Your Credit Card
- Hospice Care
- How To Keep Control When You Cannot Speak
- Make Where You Live Comfortable
- If You Are Likely To Be Hospitalized
- Donating Organs Or Your Body
- If You Have A Partner Instead of A Spouse
- If Your Doctor Abandons You
- If You Choose To End Life Early
Colorectal Cancer: Nearing End Of LIfe
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Nourishment is necessary for life.
When a health condition causes the end of life to be near, patients often have no appetite and may lose a lot of weight. The cause is likely the condition itself and cannot be controlled. If you do not feel like eating, it is not advisable to force yourself to eat. The body cannot use the food or fluid. Continuing to eat may only make you uncomfortable.
You can obtain nutrients through drinks such as Ensure or through intravenous feeding.
Usually care related to hydration and nutrition in the final weeks of life includes treating dry mouth and thirst. (For information about dealing with dry mouth, click here.)
It is helpful to them to explain to your family and immediate circle why you are limiting food and liquid intake. If you have difficulty with the discussion, ask your doctor or a person on his or her staff, or a person close to you to do it for you.
If you have a question, speak with your nurse or doctor.
For additional information, see the documents in "To Learn More."