Rehabilitation ("Rehab") helps relieve pain or other impairments which result from treatment.
Rehab services should include consultations with appropriate board-certified or licensed clinicians in rehabilitation medicine, including physiatrists (doctors who specialize in rehabilitation medicine), rehabilitation nurses, and physical, occupational, and speech therapists.
When an impairment is documented by a health professional, and the treatment is provided by a professional, Rehab is generally covered by health insurance, including Medicare. If no health care professional is involved, rehab is generally not covered by insurance. For instance, going to the gym and exercising on your own is generally not covered. Exercise under the supervision of a physical therapist is.
If you are not offered rehab at your cancer treatment center, or want to check to find out if there is a more convenient rehab center, check to see if there is a Survivorship Training and Rehabilitation ("STAR") program near you by going towww.oncologyrehabpartners.com. Click on the survivor section, then enter your zip code,