Questions To Ask A Specialist
There are questions to help you determine if a specialist you interview is the right person to meet your medical and other needs.
The questions are on a separate page so you can renumber the questions in order of importance to you, print the page, and take with you to your appointment.
Do not be nervous about approaching the interview with a set list of questions. If the specialist is truly willing to work with you as a "team member" she or he will appreciate your preparedness and the interest you are taking in your care. If the specialist is reluctant or bristles at being questioned in such a manner, you are probably not a good match.
After you leave the appointment, complete the form immediately below the questionnaire: Considerations After A Doctor Interview, to help remember additional impressions.
For your copy of Questions To Ask A Specialist, click here.
NOTE: It is suggested that you interview several specialists before you make a final decision. It may seem like a waste if the first specialist seems to fit your needs, but you won't really know until you meet the others on your short list.