Medical Research Services
Research Companies For All Health Conditions And Treatments
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Research services that research information about all health conditions include the following:
Doctor Evidence, Los Angeles, CA.,,
Personalized packages.
The Health Resource, Inc. Conway, AZ, 800.949.0090 or 501.329.5272, . The researchers at The Health Resource research, locate, and sort through all the possible beneficial treatment options. They have access to 25,000 medical journals and databases, an in-house library and hundreds of medical files, and other sources not available on the internet. Financial assistance is available to help pay their fee.
Healthy Self , Tel.: 785.233.8745
The Institute For Health And Healing at California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA. Tel.: 415.600.3681. . The institute has an extensive collection of current, useful health information that is provided in a variety of formats ranging from easy-to-understand materials to the technical, professional literature.
Medical Research Solutions, Delray Beach, FL, Tel.561.703.5925
Planetree Library has been in existence for more than 20 years. Planetree will research any drug or treatment and alternatives for a fee ranging between $50 and $195 depending on the amount of time needed to do the research. All you have to do is call to start the process. 415. 600.368
NOTE: For information about researching prescription drugs, click here.