Content Overview 
- Summary
- Step 1. Decide What You Want To Happen With The Body
- Step 2. Decide What Type Of Funeral And/or Memorial Service You Want
- Step 3. How Much Are You Willing To Spend?
- Step 4. Should You Pre-pay Or Just Pre-Plan?
- Step 5. Think About The Details
- Step 6. Think About An Obituary And Who Should Write It
- Step 7. Decide Whether You Want To Send A Message After You're Gone
- Step 8. Take The Appropriate Steps To Assure That Your Wishes Will Be Carried Out
How To Pre-Plan A Funeral In Eight Steps
Step 1. Decide What You Want To Happen With The Body
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Do you want to donate your body to help other people or science?
When deciding what is to be done with your body, the first questions to address are whether you want to donate any organs and tissue to help other people, and/or donate your body to help teach future health care providers. Organ and tissue donation do not disfigure the body which can still be displayed in an open casket.
If you donate the body to science, the cost of burial is paid for by the medical institution. If you don't donate your body, consider whether you want burial or cremation.
If the body isn't donated to science, do you want it to be buried or cremated?
Burial or cremation is a personal choice, even if your choice is to follow the cultural mores of your family or religion. If cost is an overriding consideration, cremation is the least expensive method. Otherwise, the choice is about you, your cultural background and your family.