How To Obtain Screening For Cancer Without Health Insurance
To obtain screening for cancer without health insurance, consider the following. As you review the available resources, please keep in mind:
- The general resources mentioned in How To Obtain Regular Medical Care Without Health Insurance.
- "Medical Tourism" - going to another state or even outside the United States to an area with high quality medical care with low costs.
- How To Raise Money When You Need It
Mammograms (Breast Cancer)
- Funded by the federal government, each state has a program to provide access to screening to test for breast and cervical cancer. Treatment and breast reconstruction or prosthesis are provided if there is a cancer diagnosis.
- Each state runs their programs differently. In most states, the program is for women who are over ages 40 or 50, are underinsured or have no insurance, and have income below a certain level.
- Men diagnosed with breast cancer can also receive free treatment.
- To learn more, contact any of the following:
- Your county office of public health listed in your telephone book.
- Your state Department of Health listed in the blue pages of your phone book or at www.fda.gov/oca/sthealth.htm
- The Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Tel.: 888.842.6355, 770.488.4751 or www.cdc.gov
- The American Cancer Society at 800.ACS.2345 www.cancer.org
- Many mammogram facilities offer their services at special fees during October, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Call and see what kind of deal you can get.
Melanoma (Skin Cancer)
- Free skin cancer screening is available.
- To find free screening near you, go to the American Academy of Dermatology's web site, www.aad.org.
Insert your city and state.
- Keep in mind that the cost of health care is negotiable. See:
- For information about obtaining cancer treatment without health insurance, click here.
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