Ethical Wills
Why Write An Ethical Will?
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Everyone of us is unique. We have each lived and learned in our particular way. We each have thoughts and experiences worth passing on. Some of the reasons to write an ethical will are:
- To keep family memories alive.
- To pass on your values and what you've learned in life.
- To pass on your hopes and wishes.
- Because writing an Ethical Will is a time of introspection that brings a focus on the positive experiences of your life, what's been learned, and what has been almost forgotten. For many people, writing an Ethical Will can be a cleansing experience.
- To explain why you are passing on your assets the way you are.
- To create a sense of control.
- An Ethical Will provides a way to live on after death in the hearts and minds of loved ones and friends.
- It's comforting to the people you leave behind.
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