Erectile Dysfunction - And How To Deal With It
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Erectile dysfunction, also termed impotence, refers to the inability to obtain or maintain an erection that is firm enough or lasts long enough to have satisfactory sexual intercourse.
The problem is almost always treatable. Most men who seek help receive a benefit from treatment.
Erectile dysfunction impacts self esteem and confidence – and may cause depression. It also has an effect on relationships
NOTE: Erectile dysfunction is not a yes or no type of equation after a prostate cancer treatment. Instead, it is a spectrum with many different shades, involving getting an erection (initiating), maintaining an erection, and being able to complete intercourse. It also involves your sexual partner.
- Discuss erectile dysfunction with your doctor before agreeing to any treatment for prostate cancer.
- It is advisable to take your partner with you when you discuss erectile function and the options with your doctor. Couples who discuss the issue together and agree on treatment can achieve emotional and physical success concerning sexual activity faster and more meaningfully than if a man makes the decision on his own.
If you have any symptoms of erectile dysfunction after treatment, do not wait for your doctor to ask about it. Bring up the subject yourself.