Emergency Medical Care For Children If You Are Not Available
What if you leave your child with someone temporarily, a medical emergency arises and they cannot get hold of you?
If it is a life threatening emergency, doctors are authorized to take action. But will that action be what you would want for your child? And what if the medical situation is border line and doctors refuse to act without guidance?
To cover this situation, you can prepare a Healthcare Power of Attorney for each of your children. It gives the person you choose the necessary authority to make medical decisions for the child. The law firm of Scolaro, Shulman, Cohen, Fetter and Burstein has voluntarily prepared a sample form for use in the state of New York. (See "Emergency Child Care Form.") The document will give you the kind of provisions to consider. Check with a local lawyer to modify it for your state.
It is advisable to have a discussion with the person to whom you will give the power of attorney.
- To be sure he or she agrees to act in this way for you.
- Tell him or her when to use the Power and when not to use it.
- Inform the person about:
- Your child's medical background
- Your desires and beliefs about medical treatment
- Anything individual to the child that the person should know.
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