What To Do When You Have Contact With An Insurer, Employer Or Government Agency
When you have contact with an employer, insurer or government agency:
- Keep in mind that honey is the best approach.
- Always keep in mind you are talking with another human being.
- Try to be understanding of the person's personal situation.
- In short hand: Make a friend.
- Use anger sparingly.
- To learn how to make a friend of the person with whom you speak, click here.
- Make notes.
- Note the day and time and what was said.
- Keep your notes in the file with whatever subject you called about.
- Keep a photocopy of all forms you complete.
- Keep the photo copy in an easy-to-find place. (For information about a simple filing system, click here.)
- If you mail anything that seems important:
- Include a cover letter with a date.
- Keep a copy. Attach a copy of the cover letter to your copy of the form.
- Send it by a delivery system that provides delivery receipts such as certified mail, return receipt requested or, by overnight. Note on your copy of the letter the receipt number so there is proof what was included in the particular envelope. Keep the receipt with your copy of the letter or document.
- When you are told things must be done by a deadline, note the deadline in your diary – and finish on time.
- At the end of the conversation, one way to make sure you and the other person are in sync is to repeat what is to be done, by whom, and by when.
- After the conversation:
- Make an alert to follow up to be sure the other person does what he or she agreed to do.
- Follow up on the day of your alert.
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