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Children: Placing A Child For Adoption
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Adoption is one alternative for providing for your children if you become permanently incapacitated or die.
Adoption is a legal proceeding in which a parent-child relationship is created between adults and a child. The adopted child becomes entitled to all the rights and privileges of a natural child of the new parents.
Adoption requires both your consent and that of the child's other parent, unless he or she has abandoned the child.
Before legalizing an adoption, a court will review and approve the person or people who want to adopt a child to make sure there is a fitness to be parents.
Adoptions are final. There's no going back unless there are unusual circumstances.
Before placing a child for adoption, carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages before moving forward.
If you are considering adoption just to ensure care of your child after you're gone, it is preferable to wait until:
- Your condition is almost certain to be terminal in the near future or
Your condition is expected to result in permanent incapacitation that leaves you unable to care for your children.
If a cure for your condition is found, it can be difficult -- if not impossible - to regain legal custody of your children.
For additional information
There are many resources available to obtain information about and assistance in finding an adoptive family for your children. Start with your social worker or caseworker at your local disease specific non-profit organization.
If you'd like to do some research on your own, some internet resources include:
: Includes a list of adoption agencies and exchanges, government programs, laws, and information for adoptees and parents.
: A listing of adoption resources on the net.
: National Council for Adoption.
: National Adoption Information Clearinghouse: information about all aspects of adoption
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