Cancer: Financial Assistance
The organizations listed in this article provide financial assistance for people with all types of cancer.
- For groups that provide assistance to people with a particular type of cancer, see: Breast cancer, Colorectal cancer.
- For groups that provide assistance for any life challenging condtiion, including cancer, click here.
American Cancer Society
- www.cancer.org
or call 800.ACS.2345
Assistance Fund
- The Assistance Fund provides advanced biotech therapies for people who have no health insurance or are underinsured. www.theassistancefund.org
Tel.: 855.845.3663
Cancer Care, Inc.
- Cancer Care, Inc. is a nonprofit social service agency that assists families and patients in coping with the emotional, psychological, and financial consequences of cancer. It has a toll-free counseling line and teleconference programs providing assistance to individuals and families. Information about cancer and treatments, financial counseling, financial assistance, and referrals to other support services are also available.
- The Helping Children Cope program offers resources to help children deal with cancer in a parent or close relative.
- 212-712-8400, 800-813-HOPE (800-813-4673) http://www.cancercare.org
Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition
- A coalition of organizations to help cancer patients with financial challenges
- You can search on "diagnosis" or a specific type of assistance
- www.CancerFac.org
Cancer For College
- Cancer for College awards college scholarships to current and former cancer patients.
- http://www.cancerforcollege.org
Catholic Charities
- Organization helps regardless of your religion
- Resources are listed by state and local area
- www.CatholicCharitiesUSA.org
or 703.549.1390
Eldercare Locator
- Elderlocator is not a provider of assistance but can help you find it in your area.
- To find help in your area, search by location or by subject at: www.eldercare.gov
or call: 800.677.1116
Foundation For Children With Cancer
- Offers financial assistance to parents of children with cancer.
- Tel.: 314-843-9300, Website: http://www.childrenwithcancer.org
- This free online tool allows users to create a personal fundraising page for any person, cause, or non-profit and easily collect donations from all over the world
- Website: http://www.giveforward.org
HealthWell Foundation
- The HealthWell Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that addresses the needs of individuals who cannot afford their insurance copayments, premiums, coinsurance, or other out-of-pocket health care costs.
- Tel.: 800-675-8416 Website: http://www.healthwellfoundation.org
Jennifer Ireland Foundation
- Offers financial assistance for colon cancer patients with children.
- Website: http://www.jenniferirelandfoundation.com
Jewish Social Service Agency
- Assistance is not dependent on your religion
- For an agency in your area, go to www.ajfca.org
or look in your local phone book for contact information
Lions Clubs
- www.lionclubs.org
or 630.571.5466
- Look for "How Do I Request Assistance?"
National Cancer Institute
- www.cancer.gov
. Search on Financial Assistance. Then type in your type of cancer. Then return to the search page and type in the subject with which you need assistance (you may find additional resources). Tel.: 800.422.6237
National Organization For Rare Disorders www.rarediseases.org or 203.744.0100
Patient Access Network Foundation www.patientaccessnetwork.org or 866.316.7263
Patient Advocate Foundation's Co-Pay Relief Program www.copays.org 866.512.3861
Patient Services, Inc.
- A nonprofit organization which provides health isnurance premiums assistance, pharmacy copayment assistance, and copayment waiver assistance for patients with specific types of cancer and chronic illnesses. Tel.: 800.366.7741 www.patientservicesinc.org
Support LIFE
- An organization dedicated to helping people whose health is disrupted by cancer and find it difficult to pay for their medical care either because their treatment is not covered by their insurance, they are not able to afford the co-payments, or they lack health insurance.
- Tel.: 815. 250.5749 Website: http://www.support-life.us
Team Continuum
- Team Continuum offers financial assistance by paying bills directly to the supplier - for instance, to the electric company.
- For information, see: www.TeamContinuum.net
If you need help paying for medications, click here.
Also keep in mind:
- The possibility of borrowing money from family or friends. To learn how without losing a friend, click here
- Internet websites that can help you pay for expenses. The sites are referred to as "crowdfunding websites." (Compare each site's fees and how quickly funds transfer). For instance:
- How To Cope With A Financial Crunch Or Crisis
- Ultimate Guide to Financial Resources For Cancer Patients