Content Overview 
- Summary
- What A Positive Attitude Is, And Is Not
- How To Work On Having A Positive Attitude
- Sayings People Have Found Helpful To Keep A Positive Attitude
- How To Stay Positive While Waiting For Test Results.
- Relieving Stress Can Help A Positive Attitude
- Learning Techniques For Coping With Emotions Can Help A Positive Attitude
- Tips For Staying Positive During Treatment
A Positive Attitude (And How to Keep It)
Tips For Staying Positive During Treatment
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Following are some tips which have helped other people stay positive during treatment:
- Focus on the favorable outcome you want. No matter how severe side effect may become during treatment, don't lose sight of the goal.
- Take favorite photographs of family or friends to your chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Showing photographs to other people getting treatment including the nurses or technicians, can be a powerful reminder of how much you love the people in your life - and how much they love you.
- Keep a piece of paper by your bed. Before you go to bed at night, write down something you are looking forward to the next day. When you wake up in the morning, look at the paper as a reminder of something good in your life that day.
- Visit a place that has special memories for you. Special memories can be very comforting in a stressful situation.
- Reread a favorite book, rent a movie you like, or listen to your favorite music. These activities can take your mind far away from the day-to-day concerns and may help remind you there are still many simple pleasures in life.
NOTE: For additional information about keeping a positive attitude, read the other sections of this article.
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